
Developmental Milestones

One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do was to remove a happy child from a loving family.

From 6 days old to 14 months, my baby was meeting all her Developmental Milestones whilst in the incredible care of her Foster Family.

A week after meeting my daughter, I detached her from everyone and almost everything familiar she had ever known.

Too young to understand why and communicate the complexities, her eyes never left mine for long. I knew she was searching for answers.

Who are you? 
Where am I? 
What’s happening? 
Where has everybody gone?

I held her, talked to her and reassured her of my love, but I was a stranger to her and my heart went out to this vulnerable little girl. Everything in her life up until then had been circumstantial. I couldn’t wait to give her permanence and security.

I knew however, she had the ability to adapt. Children are naturally strong and resilient. I knew all she needed was consistency and time to process her new world.

I tried to make the transition for her as painless as possible but I always knew there would be an impact.

Her people, her home, her community had disappeared overnight. There was going to be a knock on effect. Thoughts, feelings and emotions would be tested.

Studying Frankie’s development is fascinating.
I have noticed over the years that many of her Developmental Milestones have an approximate 12 month delay.

I believe this to be a ‘healing’ period. Before she can ‘Catch Up’, she has to mentally and physically rebuild the part of her brain that consolidates information.

I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to experience so much change and loss in one sunrise.

I have no doubt that my brave and resilient daughter will continue to meet all of her Developmental Milestones with great strength and determination.

In her own time and in her own way.

At 2 years of age she took her first steps. At 3, she could run into my arms.

At 4 she dressed herself and brushed her hair. When she turned 5, she could take herself to the bathroom and clean her teeth properly.

At 6, years of age she could go upstairs to bed by herself and tuck her teddies in too. She would only ask me to lead her in prayer and leave on the landing light.

At 7 years of age, she has learned to make her own breakfast, take a shower and get ready for school independently.

There is nothing my daughter can’t do apart from stopping me love her more each day.

Keep going Frankie, and should you ever need to look back, remember I’m right behind you.

Love Mum x