Adoption, Parenting

Can We Talk About Beauty?

Dear Frankie,

Can we talk about beauty?

I think we should, it’s an important topic of conversation that I feel we should have together.

Before we get on to the subject, let’s look at where we might both be coming from first.

You were born a Gen-Alpha baby, did you know that?  Babies born between 2010 and 2024 are referred to as Generation Alphas.  

You are a tech tween, a digital darling, a screen queen.

You don’t know any different, you are a child born into the 21st Century with technology at your fingertips.  

Growing up, It will enhance your life, become a fantastic tool for communication and it’s going to develop further and at a greater speed throughout your lifetime.

Modern Technology is bang on trend at the moment, it’s the most popular toy for kids from your generation and I understand how important it is to you and your friends.

In my day it was a Mr Frosty and Roller Boots.

In your Nana and Grandpa’s day, it was a Kite and a bag of Marbles.

Us grown ups are Millennials, Gen X & Y’s, Baby Boomers and from the Silent Generation.  

Some Great Great Grandparents are centurions from the Greatest Generation, they were born between 1901-1927.

Older people don’t know everything, we’ve just been here longer, some fortunate to have been here longer than others.

I’m Gen X and was born in 1973, on the day before New Years Eve.

When I was born, I was showered with cards and gifts from Baby Boomers and relations from the Greatest & Silent Generations.

They told me I was beautiful.

I grew up believing them and have tried my best to be a beautiful person every day of my life. Fortunately your Nana and Grandpa helped to reinforce that year after year.

It’s not always been easy however. 

Growing up I would sometimes think I was ugly and mistake being pretty for being beautiful.

They are two very different things.  

Anyone can look pretty with the right clothes, make up and fancy accessories but beauty has to come from within.

It’s your aura.

It has to glow, radiate and shine.  

You can see beauty at it’s best in a person’s eyes, their smile and most importantly, their actions.

It’s difficult to hide beauty because it’s a fierce energy that has a force of it’s own, it attracts people in lots of different ways, it’s magnetic.

Frankie, you are beautiful.

As you navigate your way through life with the help of technology and social media, please remember that to feel the warmth of beauty, it has to radiate authentically.

Apps, gadgets and tech tips will demonstrate how humans can filter and fake beauty but it’s important to always know what being beautiful truly means.

It means being kind, compassionate and caring.  It means being your true authentic self and sharing empathy with others.

It means being forgiving of not only other people but of yourself.

Beauty isn’t perfect but it’s very real and it’s all around you, it’s in your past, present and future.

Forever Yours,

Mum x