Dear Frankie,
I want you to understand the reasons why I gave you an iPhone 6 at the age of 8 years old.
For now, It’s a clock, a calendar and a camera.
It’s a TV, a video recorder and a music player.
It’s a note book, an encyclopaedia and a diary.
When you are 11 years old, you will be allowed to insert a SIM card. This means you will be connected to the world in a whole new way.
To stay connected, you will need maturity, mindfulness and money.
You have 2 more years to develop an understanding of these three important things that will allow you to safely and responsibly connect to others independently through technology.
You will need to manage not only your own money, but your own time.
Modern technology is wonderful but it can be dangerous and can sadly isolate you in different ways.
If you are not careful, it can make you rude, impatient, forgetful and ungrateful. It can make you feel jealous, competitive and unhappy.
My job, is to gently introduce you to the modern way in which most of us communicate today.
Nana, was travelling home alone on the bus yesterday.
There were 25 people sharing her journey.
Only 3 people were not using a mobile phone.
Only 3 had their head up and were looking out of the window at the real world.
Only 3 were available to speak to.
When I was 11, nobody was on a mobile phone and everybody was available to speak to.
Everyone looked out of the window and shared the same experience.
The world is changing and we are all evolving.
You are a technobaby, but you are also a free thinking, unique individual who must never forget to look out of the window.
The ‘real’ world is much more exciting than ‘Cyberspace’ and it’s a lot safer.
When you are 11 you will be able to take your iPhone 6 with you outdoors.
It will be a telephone, a compass and a digital bodyguard.
It will become your responsibility to stay connected and stay safe.
There will be trolls, hackers, imposters, cyber bullies and thieves.
Be careful.
You are my ‘technobaby’ now and I will always be here to help guide you.
When you become a ‘technoteen’ however, you will need to be ready to guide yourself.
Forever Yours
Mum x