‘Birds Can Fly, Birds Can Fly.’
The language I use in my story telling has been tried and tested throughout my career.
A puzzling look on a child’s face has taught me about disconnection. It’s like modern technology buffering until it’s computed the information I wish to share.
Defiance, meltdowns and tantrums have taught me even more.
Information overload or a lost signal perhaps?
Sometimes less words mean more.
Sometimes more words mean less.
The language we use with children is different to the language we use with one another as adults.
Child speak, so to speak is ‘speaking their language.’
‘Birds can fly,’ means ‘You can do it.’
‘Mind fingers’… ‘Don’t touch.’
‘Jump back’…. ‘You’re too close.’
‘Listening ears… ‘Stop talking.’
‘5 more minutes’…. ‘Something’s ending.’
Children are constantly given orders, instructions and responsibilities by adults.
Thousands of them, daily in fact and their brains have to compute those messages and respond.
Understandingly, it can become incredibly overwhelming for them at times.
To tell a five year old they must stop what they are doing instantly without warning can cause them great upset. Give them a heads up 10 minutes before and you’ll get a completely different reaction.
Counting them down from 3 seconds to 1 only causes anxiety and mixed emotions. Is 3 seconds really long enough for them to change direction willingly or is it simply a quick response through fear of punishment?
If we tell children they are shy, silly, lazy, messy, cruel and unkind it only acts as a reinforcement. If the language we use with children labels them, they can learn to live up to those labels.
If we identify unwanted behaviour in our children then the simplest way to address it is to talk about the behaviour itself.
‘You are messy’… ‘Let’s tidy up this mess.’
‘You are rude’… ‘Let’s not be cheeky.’
‘You are naughty’ ‘Let’s think about your behaviour.’
These latter words are inclusive and problem solving. They will open up a discussion and help children communicate more effectively.
Parents have observed my work with children and complimented my approach and I’m truly grateful but it’s really not rocket science, I’m no pied piper.
The reason I can hold the attention of a young audience is because they themselves have shown me the correct language to use, all I had to do was be willing to listen.
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