Entertainment, Parenting

They Are All Skint And Half A Stone Heavier

Hi Mum,

‘Hiya Queen.’

I’m just sitting here, staring at the all the Christmas decs and wondering when I’ll find the motivation to take them down.

‘You’re funny you.’

I did get off the settee at one point and make my way over to the mantelpiece to make a start on the Christmas cards but I ended up reading them again and putting them back up.

The Christmas tree is staring at me now, I’m trying not to give the Angel perched on the top, any direct eye contact if I can help it.

She’s been eyeballing me since the third of January, she looks quite uncomfortable up there now to be honest, she’s had the prickliest branch stuck up her bum for weeks and her 140 degree lean indicates she wants to get down.

If I’m not careful, I think she might jump.

After I’ve finished this coffee and watched a couple more episodes of Chateau, I might go and rescue her. Thing is, it’s dark at 4 O Clock and before you know it she’ll be only partially visible once the twinkly lights kick in again and I can no longer see all the fallen needles at her feet.

‘You’re going to tell me you’ve got that SADS again aren’t you? That Seasonal Affective Disorder.’

I know I say that every year, you’re right, it makes perfect sense though as to why I am lacking in motivation to de clutter and tidy up. Do you not think?

‘No, I think you just can’t be arsed. I know you Love.’

Yeah but Mum, you have to admit I’m less perky in January.

‘Most people are less perky in January Love, they’re all skint and half a stone heavier.’


‘If you don’t take them down soon, it will be bad luck.’

‘Will it? I feel like you have proper insider information these days, will it really bring me bad luck if I carry on avoiding putting Christmas back in it’s box?’

‘No then.’

‘Hmmm I’m not sure if I believe you, I don’t think you would tell me anyway, you’d want me to find out for myself, another ‘Life Lesson’ to be learned.


Yes it will bring me bad luck or yes it’s another life lesson?

‘Leave them up then, what’s the worst thing that can happen if you leave them up for another few days?’

I’ll blink and it will be Easter. A few days can quite easily turn into a few weeks, then those weeks turn into months, years even and before you know it…Boom! Frankie’s leaving to set up home with her boyfriend, Jen and I are back to back cruising with Jane McDonald and the Angel has turned her back on me.

‘Live in the moment Love, stop worrying about time passing too quickly, it’s your last Christmas at the farmhouse, make the most of it, if you want to keep the decorations up for a bit longer, I get it, it’s nothing urgent.’

Aww thanks Mum, I feel a little less guilty now.

‘That’s good, now switch off Chateau and motivate yourself to do something else, I thought you’d just joined a gym?’

Good point.

Love as always,

Queen x