Anti-Bullying, Lifestyle, Parenting

Pumped With Positivity

Dear Frankie,

As you go through life my love, the only opinion that really counts when it comes to your soul being is your own. 

No one on this earth has a greater power to champion and critique yourself than you do.

Self love, self worth and self esteem is built over time as we grow and develop. 

All children should be pumped with positivity from the minute they are born but sadly this is not always the case.

As you embark on your teenage years and into early adulthood, you might hear people say unkind remarks from time to time like…

‘Who does she think she is?’ Or ‘She’s a bit big for her boots.’ 

These phrases I have heard myself over the years and at times I have let them hurt me. 

I don’t anymore.

We sometimes are accused of ‘Getting above our station.’ too.

This is a remark made to put someone down and keep them from climbing.  

Wherever this station is, (I like to think it’s at the top of a very high mountain) reaching the summit is very much achievable to anyone whose willing to pull up their bootstraps and climb.  

The size of the boots are actually immeasurable as everyone’s boots are a different fit.

‘She’s a bit full of herself isn’t she?’ Is another one that I let flow over me.

All these remarks and similar ones are always made by people with less confidence and the reason they say them is to try to bring you down and make themselves feel a little better.

It doesn’t have a long lasting effect however which is why these remarks will be used on lots of other people too. 

Not just you.

This is why you must protect your heart at all costs and never let them reach that part of your precious body. 

Never stoop to a lower level in life Frankie. 

Never pay too much attention to the folk in the cheap seats who haven’t found the strength yet to come out of their comfort zone and join you in the arena. 

Hopefully their time will come and they will feel fulfilled with their lot and not feel the need to criticise, compete and compare.

They too have the same potential to harness their own power of self reflection, personal growth and individual development.  

Without ever feeling the need to put others down along the way.

Forever yours,

Mum x


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