Education, Parenting

We Can Still Feel Her Can’t We?

It’s a week ago today since your ‘Nan’ set off for Heaven and in that short time we have cried together, laughed together and talked to her, believing at times she’s in the room.

We can still feel her can’t we Frankie?

We asked your Nan to promise to send us signs didn’t we, we talked about how we could all still stay connected after she had passed away.

She promised she would never leave you didn’t she?

Her signs would be a gentle reminder that our souls live on for eternity, that she has not left us behind and is still with us in spirit, guiding us, protecting us, loving us.

We understood that her body could only work for a bit longer when she became really poorly but we believed that when the time was right, your Nan would embark on a new and exciting adventure, one where she didn’t need her body any longer.

Her new and exciting adventure would take place somewhere we wouldn’t be able to visit ourselves until we too had lived our life to the full.

Just like Nan.

A wonderful life, a life filled with goodness and kindness, of forgiveness and understanding.

A life filled with love and where love never died.

She started sending signs the second she left didn’t she, just as she promised.

The white feather in your school bag this morning. The dancing butterflies that twirled and danced before our very eyes in the back garden and who came to sit at our feet minutes after she passed away.

And her best sign yet… 2 robins who flew around the house yesterday.

All the windows were closed and the chimney blocked with our Jackdaw’s nest, Jack stopped dropping twigs down the chimney the day Nan went to heaven, he didn’t need to anymore, his job was done.

He’s been nesting here on the farm ever since hasn’t he? His morning call wakes us up and reminds us to jump out of bed.

Have you noticed Nan’s sunflowers are growing at a tremendous rate, faster and stronger than previous years?

Isn’t that remarkable?

The sun, the rain, the wind, the stars in the night sky, they are all reminders that life is all around us. The souls of our loved ones, in Heaven and on Earth are with us too.

Your Nan told me something beautiful about you once, well, she often told me lots of lovely things about you but this one is really special, you’ll like this.

She told me she thought you were an Angel.

I smiled but thought Angels were only working their magic in Heaven and that your Nan had just paid me a lovely compliment about you.

I was wrong.

When your Nan died I realised she was absolutely right first time.

You are an Angel Frankie.

You nursed your Nan through a difficult year in her life, at a time when she was in pain and discomfort, when she was frightened and anxious.

You soothed her, reassured her and believed she had the strength to fight a little longer, even when she doubted it herself.

I watched you kiss her eyes after she had closed them for the last time, cut a lock of her hair and keep it safe in your jar of white feathers.

I stood back and watched my 10 year old Earth Angel brush her hair and rub face cream gently into her delicate warm skin.

You helped me light a fire and make her cosy, you tucked her in and told her how much you loved her before asking if you thought it would be ok to go out and play.

Life is full of miracles Frankie, unexplainable mysteries, heartfelt happenings and they are taking place every single second, right now, all around the world.

This is the wonderful work of Angels.

And Angels are all around us.

You are my Angel to share with the world Frankie.

Forever yours,

Mum x