Author: Admin

Adoption, Education, Parenting

Can We Talk About DLD?

Dear Frankie, Can we talk about DLD? DLD is a hidden but very common condition affecting about 1 out of 15 children. You are not alone my Love. Using language is a skill that allows us to share our ideas and feelings, to learn in school, and to understand the world around us. Unfortunately, using …

Entertainment, Parenting

They Are All Skint And Half A Stone Heavier

Hi Mum, ‘Hiya Queen.’ I’m just sitting here, staring at the all the Christmas decs and wondering when I’ll find the motivation to take them down. ‘You’re funny you.’ I did get off the settee at one point and make my way over to the mantelpiece to make a start on the Christmas cards but …

Education, Parenting

Issues & Tissues

The emotional intelligence of children should never be overlooked, we should never underestimate their inner strength. Children aren’t naive, they are intelligent and intuitive, they absorb information at a tremendous rate and have the ability to see the world as it should be, fair and equal. By design, children are natural born truth tellers, they …

Education, Entertainment, Parenting

Defiance, Meltdowns & Tantrums

‘Birds Can Fly, Birds Can Fly.’ The language I use in my story telling has been tried and tested throughout my career. A puzzling look on a child’s face has taught me about disconnection. It’s like modern technology buffering until it’s computed the information I wish to share. Defiance, meltdowns and tantrums have taught me …