Category: LGBT

Entertainment, LGBT, Parenting

Lesbian Biscuits

‘Why is it Mum, when you see a group of lesbians  together on TV, they are always in prison?  We’re not all ‘Bad Girls’ surely?’ ‘Certainly not!’ She crunched. ‘If you think about it, perhaps the reason we all assume lesbians wear dungarees and boiler suits is because we’ve been type cast as criminals in …

Anti-Bullying, Education, LGBT, Parenting

Can We Talk About LGBTQ?

Dear Frankie, Can we talk about LGBTQ? Lesbian, Gay, Bi Sexual, Trans, Queer humans, animals and plants. It’s actually better to talk ‘with’ homosexual and transgender people, animals and plants, as you will gain a much broader understanding of what these group of letters may mean to different people.  Any in depth discussion or casual …

Education, LGBT, Parenting

Can We Talk About Boys?

Dear Frankie, Can we talk about boys? Did you know that crushes may occur at any time during your childhood, but they generally start at around 10-13 years of age.  These feelings are completely natural and they are nothing to feel worried or embarrassed about. A crush also known as ‘puppy love’ is an informal term for …