Category: Lifestyle

Lifestyle, Parenting

She Gets Me Tissues And Wipes My Tears

Morning Mum, ‘Morning Love, are you feeling any better?’ I’m feeling more myself but we’re all under the weather, Jen’s been off work this week and has had to take to her bed and now Frankie’s got Covid. I’m run down physically and I think when a wave of grief comes crashing, everything becomes magnified. …

Lifestyle, Parenting

I Can Remember Every Single Line On Your Face

Dear Mum, I can remember every single line on your face, did you know that? If I close my eyes and picture your skin, it’s like a little map of our lives together. When you were alive you said you had always struggled with your skin. You told me it started in adolescence. You not …

Lifestyle, Parenting

Mum, I Don’t Need You Anymore

Dear Mum, I don’t need you any more. I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting you however and I know I need to learn to live with that. I’m here in the world without you now and it feels so weird. Some days I forget you’ve gone and will set a place at the dinner …

Lifestyle, Parenting

You Said “It’s Ok Mum.”

Dear Frankie, Thank you for believing in me. I sold our home and gave away our things. You said…….’It’s ok Mum.’ I moved you from one school to another.  Twice. You said……..’It’s ok Mum.’ I put extending our family on hold. You said………’It’s ok Mum.’ I asked you to share me with another love. You …

Adoption, Lifestyle, Parenting

Where Had My Baby Gone?

Dear Frankie, Thirteen years ago I was about to embark on the biggest adventure of my life to date. PARENTING. I was incredibly excited and nervous in equal measure.  I didn’t sleep very well in the run up to meeting you, I tried to, but as you know, I can have an over active imagination …

Education, Lifestyle, Parenting

I know I Can Be A Pushy Mum Sometimes

Dear Frankie, I know I can be a ‘Pushy Mum’ sometimes, I think it just comes naturally to most mothers.  We have an innate burning desire to see our children succeed and achieve.  I like to think I encourage you to have a go at lots of different things and to try your best, to …

Anti-Bullying, Lifestyle, Parenting

Pumped With Positivity

Dear Frankie, As you go through life my love, the only opinion that really counts when it comes to your soul being is your own.  No one on this earth has a greater power to champion and critique yourself than you do. Self love, self worth and self esteem is built over time as we …