Dear Dennis,
Happy 1st Christmas 🎄
I know you must be thinking your ship has come in, now that we’ve brought a fully grown tree into the house.
For months you’ve been running in the back door with twigs, leaves and bits of bark.
You’ve shredded them into woody potpourri and left them for us to find under the settee and beneath the coffee table.
Thank you my boy, you are very kind.
Who would have thought Dachshunds had such amazing topiary skills too?
The way you have delicately removed the lower branches of the Christmas tree for us and utilised the silver stand as a water bowl is quite an incredible feat.
Who would have thought you could remove the shiny baubles with such ease and turn them into tiny shards and mosaic tiles.
You’re so inventive.
Christmas in our house is very different now you’ve joined our family, thank you for teaching us that and reminding us to adapt and grow together.
Leaving glittery parcels under the tree for you to grind your back teeth on was a mistake, thank you for showing us that.
We can replace them, don’t you worry.
What we could never replace is you however, you are one in a million.
Have a lovely 1st Christmas, I hope Santa brings you everything you wish for.
Love & Festive wishes,
Your 3 Mamas 🐾
Ps. Please don’t eat all the Turkey when we are not looking, leave a little for us too.