Dear Frankie.
The reason I leave love notes in your lunch box is because, I’m not always there to hug and squeeze you in person and I miss you when you’re at school.
The reason I let you come in my bed sometimes with ten teddies and a plastic doll that digs me in my back, is because I love to lie next to you and study your beautiful face as you slowly drop off.
The reason I allow you to lick the chocolate clean from the mixing bowl every time, is because I love to pull you close to me and wipe your sticky face afterwards.
The reason I still zip up your coat and pull your hat over your ears, when I know you can do it yourself is because I will always want to keep you warm and toasty.
The reason I let you stay up past your bedtime every so often and watch my favourite TV show with me is because, I simply love your company. The truth is, I sometimes end up watching you instead.
The reason I tell you to put an extra scoop of pick & mix in your pink stripy bag on movie night, is because I can’t resist watching your beautiful face light up in anticipation.
The reason I give you a piggy back from the van into the house after you have fallen asleep after a long journey home, is because I love to feel your little hands and feet gripping me tightly.
The reason I do our funny dance every night before lights out, is so that the last thing I watch you do before you fall asleep is giggle.
You my love, are the rhyme, the reason and the real thing.
I love you Frankie.
Forever Yours,
Mum x