Happy Birthday Mum!
Look at your little face, you’d only had 3 birthdays up until then.
I assume you are here at nursery with your mates. It’s not your birthday in the photo or indeed your party but I’m winging my imagination to try and recreate one.
Look at you all playing outside, where you all should be of course, but I’m not sure if that is in fact an early years provision or the main road outside the workhouse.
The children standing around the sand tray look a little startled, I say a sand tray, you all could be hard at work and this is not a nursery school at all.
It could be a cement tray, not a sand tray.
Maybe they are mixing cement together, either way they are working as a team and developing their social skills, so that’s nice.
I’m hoping you are role playing with a dolly in that crib and it’s not a real baby, it was not unheard of for young children to raise their siblings single handedly or for a child to take on nannying positions for the wealthy.
No, you’re practicing motherhood with a little pot faced dolly, I’m sure of it, I don’t think Aunty Gill was even born yet.
At first glance, your two friends at the back appear to be incredibly tall but I’ve just realised they are both standing on chairs unsupervised.
Health and Safety clearly wasn’t a big thing back then, the NHS only kicked in, in 48 so I assume you would have had to make do with Mum spit or a wet paper towel.
First Aid back then was more ‘jump up, you’ll be alright.’
Don’t think they sent little disclaimers home in book bags back then.
‘Lucia, I wasn’t a Victorian Chimney Sweep or a Coal Miner, nor was I a nanny for the wealthy, what are you like?’
Oh Hi Mum, you’re there, you’re listening. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
‘Thank you my Love, listen, don’t be moping around today feeling sad for me.’
I won’t, I promise.
I’m going to celebrate your life, all 77 years of it. I know I only feature in Chapters 30-77 but I’m loving taking a closer look at your early childhood, teenage years and married life with Dad before me and Myles came along.
‘Lucia, you mustn’t, nobody is Interested in me, don’t be plastering it all over Facebook.’
Would I?
‘Yes you would.’
Hey, listen Birthday Girl, the life of Valerie Davies, the ragamuffin Chimney Sweep needs to be told.’
‘Lucia, don’t be telling people on Facebook I was a little street urchin.’
Would I?
‘Yes you would, I know you.’
Anyway, let’s not argue Tiny Tim, it’s your Birthday, anything nice planned?
‘Not much, I’m staying in today it’s blowing a gale.’
Shall I pop over later then?
‘Alright Love, I’ll see you in a bit and don’t be spending your money on me.’
Would I?
‘I know you.’
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mum,
Love as always,
Queen x