Dear Frankie,
Love is reminding you to empty the dishwasher and put away the plates.
Love is asking you to re think wearing a t shirt in winter and sending you back in the house to get your coat.
Love is encouraging you to eat more fruit and vegetables.
Love is teaching you the importance of brushing your teeth and wearing deodorant.
Love is restricting the time you spend on screens.
Love is explaining for the tenth time why you aren’t allowed a Tictok account.
Love is letting you borrow my favourite bed socks.
Love is choosing a PG rating on Netflix.
Love is chasing you around the house to cut your toenails.
Love is teaching you how to make your own packed lunch.
Love is correcting your sass.
Love is letting you eat the last bag of Monster Munch in the cupboard.
And Love is…..
Realising how privileged I am to be able to show you love through all these little things.
Forever yours,
Mum x