Dear Frankie,
I know that opening presents and receiving gifts at Christmas is awesome, special surprises are hidden in stockings and sacks to find by the fireplace and at the foot of the bed.
We are very fortunate people.
It’s a brilliant concept, it really is and now you’re older you’ve started to appreciate the act of giving more and are excited to watch others open their gifts too, it brought you great pleasure to watch Dennis open his presents I know. Whilst you were watching him with a big smile on your face, I was watching you and it felt amazing.
Another amazing feeling for me this Christmas was to watch you put some of your gifts in motion. You used your new electric whisk and bowl to whip up the batter for your famous ‘Orkshires.’
Your Aunties know just what you like.
You’ve been making ‘Orkshires’ for almost a decade with me now and this year, you made them all by yourself from scratch.
As always, they tasted delicious.
You remembered to get the oil in the trays super hot first and weren’t even tempted once to open the oven door to see if they had risen.
You knew what you were doing instinctively, you didn’t need my help until it was time to take your fluffy delights out of the oven to dish up. You even offered me and Mama J the biggest ones.
Thank you Beautiful.
Your gifts were certainly more practical this year although I couldn’t resist picking a few sparkly, unicorn based, plastic novelties off the shelves to add to your collection too, although I think that was more for me.
I was trying to turn back time.
You squealed when you opened your new hairdryer and make up brushes which is only to be expected at your age now but I’m so glad you still jumped in the air and ran around the room when you opened your Squishmallow from Grandad Les.
This time next year, I’ll be celebrating Christmas with my teenage daughter, I can’t quite believe it. Where has the time gone Frankie?
This year, you joined the Secret Santa Club for the first time.
You were a little reluctant at first, and in denial to begin with but you soon got your head around the biggest well kept secret in the world and the importance of keeping the magic alive for younger children.
Your role in the SSC, is more important than ever, your imagination and creativity is a valuable contribution and will be needed for generations to come.
Family traditions are a wonderful thing.
When I was growing up, our Christmas tree always leaned to one side. One year it didn’t and it didn’t look right to me so your Grandpa put a couple of Christmas cards under the foot of the stand so it would tilt at a wonky angle.
Funny hey?
Family traditions are what you make them, they are built over time with love and imperfection.
One day your Orkshires might explode in the oven or not rise at all and that’s ok because it’s all about making memories with the ones we love and not pretending that everything is perfect.
Dennis chewed the bottom two branches off the Christmas tree this year and in doing so made it look wonky, I like to think your Grandpa in heaven had something to do with that.
I’m signing off now my Love, thank you for a lovely Christmas, I hope you’ll always want to come home and make us your amazing Orkshires.
Forever yours,
Mum x