Hi Mum. ‘Hiya Love.’ Week today. ‘Is it Love? It can’t be, gosh it’s coming round fast.’ Did you see me Christmas shopping today Mum? ‘I did Love, I saw you in Boots.’ I always wear boots, especially this time of year. ‘No Love, Boots, the big one opposite Primark and I saw you in …
Lesbian Biscuits
As I slurped my tea and crunched my frangipane I pointed out another self revelation to my patient Mother. ‘Lesbians can’t just go to the hairdressers and have a trim.’ I revealed. ‘How do you mean love?’ ‘Our hair goes on a journey of self discovery all on it’s own. It has to fight for …
I Can’t Eat This Mum, It’s Too Beautiful!
Dear Frankie, I’d like to raise a toast to you, well not just a slice of toast, some muffins, pittas and pancakes too. I’d like to salute you with a baguette and a tiger loaf. You are probably wondering where I’m going with this but stay with me, it’s worth me noting down this observation …
Thank You For Believing In Me
Dear Frankie, Before things take off to a stratospheric level, I wanted to write to you and say a huge ‘Thank You.’ Thank you for your constant belief in me and my abilities to navigate us through my very unusual Life Style Business. I hope it teaches you valuable lessons as I know you are …
For All These Reasons and More
Dear Frankie. The reason I leave love notes in your lunch box is because, I’m not always there to hug and squeeze you in person and I miss you when you’re at school. The reason I let you come in my bed sometimes with ten teddies and a plastic doll that digs me in my …
Love Is…
Dear Frankie, Love is reminding you to empty the dishwasher and put away the plates. Love is asking you to re think wearing a t shirt in winter and sending you back in the house to get your coat. Love is encouraging you to eat more fruit and vegetables. Love is teaching you the importance …
Dear Frankie, Your safety and well being are two of my main priorities and I believe it’s my responsibility to try my very best to prioritise these for you and any other children who come into my care. As a 50 year old woman, I would feel a lot safer in this world if people …
An Angel In Heels
There is something about watching young children sing their hearts out whilst wearing wonky halos and striped tea towels on their heads, that draws that lump to the back of my throat each year. There will always be that one child that misses their cue, forgets their lines or projects their voice louder than everyone …
Nothing You’ve Ever Done Is Naughty
Dear Frankie, Nothing you’ve ever done is naughty. Let me repeat that. Nothing you’ve ever done is naughty. The reason I know this is because I know for a fact that children aren’t naughty. How do I know this as fact? The answer is because all children are born innocent. I’ve always been interested in …
Dear James Bond
‘Dear Daniel.’ I need your help!!!! Look what’s happening!!! Lots of protective and concerned parents like yourself feel the same way. They are advising their children that standing up for themselves means becoming violent too. My little girl was strangled by a child in her class and do you know how I taught her to …