Dear Frankie, I know I can be a ‘Pushy Mum’ sometimes, I think it just comes naturally to most mothers. We have an innate burning desire to see our children succeed and achieve. I like to think I encourage you to have a go at lots of different things and to try your best, to …
Tag: Parenting growing up open discussion tweenagers
Pumped With Positivity
Dear Frankie, As you go through life my love, the only opinion that really counts when it comes to your soul being is your own. No one on this earth has a greater power to champion and critique yourself than you do. Self love, self worth and self esteem is built over time as we …
Can We Talk About DLD?
Dear Frankie, Can we talk about DLD? DLD is a hidden but very common condition affecting about 1 out of 15 children. You are not alone my Love. Using language is a skill that allows us to share our ideas and feelings, to learn in school, and to understand the world around us. Unfortunately, using …
Thank You For Believing In Me
Dear Frankie, Before things take off to a stratospheric level, I wanted to write to you and say a huge ‘Thank You.’ Thank you for your constant belief in me and my abilities to navigate us through my very unusual Life Style Business. I hope it teaches you valuable lessons as I know you are …
Can We Talk About Piercings?
Dear Frankie, I’ve been a mother to a teenager now for just over 2 weeks and I’m loving it. I know it’s early days and I have a lot more to learn from you but I just wanted to say thanks for the ride. I’m sure the next 7 years is going to be an …
Can We Talk About LGBTQ?
Dear Frankie, Can we talk about LGBTQ? Lesbian, Gay, Bi Sexual, Trans, Queer humans, animals and plants. It’s actually better to talk ‘with’ homosexual and transgender people, animals and plants, as you will gain a much broader understanding of what these group of letters may mean to different people. Any in depth discussion or casual …
I’m Not Your Friend
Dear Frankie, I’m not your friend. I don’t want to collect LOL dolls and I don’t want to wear an Elsa dress when I watch Frozen 2 at the cinema. I want to wear my comfy jeans and a jumper, preferably without a bra. I don’t want to drink Fruit Shoots, Capri Sun’s and Apple …
Can We Talk About Boys?
Dear Frankie, Can we talk about boys? Did you know that crushes may occur at any time during your childhood, but they generally start at around 10-13 years of age. These feelings are completely natural and they are nothing to feel worried or embarrassed about. A crush also known as ‘puppy love’ is an informal term for …