Dear Frankie,
Thank you for believing in me.
I sold our home and gave away our things.
You said…….’It’s ok Mum.’
I moved you from one school to another.
You said……..’It’s ok Mum.’
I put extending our family on hold.
You said………’It’s ok Mum.’
I asked you to share me with another love.
You said……….’It’s ok Mum.’
I asked you to lengthen your school day by going into after school clubs so I could go to meetings.
You said……….’It’s ok Mum.’
I asked you to say goodbye to our neighbours and moved you to another new village.
You said……….’It’s ok Mum.’
I told you I was scared to go up on a big stage.
You said……….’It’s ok Mum.’
I sat and sobbed when you told me other children had hurt you at school.
You said……..’It’s ok Mum.’
I home-schooled you for 6 months on your own.
You said………’It’s ok Mum.’
I told you our savings were almost spent.
You said……….’It’s ok Mum.’
I asked you to share me with thousands of other children.
You said……….’It’s ok Mum.’
Without you Frankie, I wouldn’t have found the strength. You were without doubt an angel sent to me.
You are my ambition, my drive and my determination.
Whatever happens we will always have each other. You see my love, you already brought my dreams to life.
Thank you.
Forever Yours,
Mum x